No Fear

   I went to bed knowing that I needed to blog, but sometimes we fight what we are suppose to do.  It was hard to fall asleep with so many thing on my mind. Finally at 2:00 am I did. Then at 4:00 I woke up and couldn"t go back to sleep.  I asked God what He wanted, He said get up and blog.  So here I am.

   There are so many things happening in this world that can bring fear upon us and that is what the enemy wants.  With all the threats of ISIS and what is going on in the other countries and our USA its hard not to have fear.  All this has been coming on for a long time but we just didn't believe it would really happen.  You know like all the people watching Noah build the Ark and no one wanted to believe what he was saying.  Well this is the same thing, we didn't want to believe what was happening.

   In 1962 a dear friend was going to a Bible College in Kentucky.  During the summer the College would put on a Camp Meeting for the students at the High School and College.  This one day as the afternoon service was taking place, one of the teachers asked 3 girls to go to the High School office down the street and get something that she needed. As the girls walked into the office they met 2 women wearing hijab clothing.  The women were looking at the files of all the students and teachers and taking pictures of the them.  One of the girls asked what they were doing and told them they weren't to be in here taking pictures. One of the Muslim woman said "whether you believe this or not, one of these days we are taking over this country and you Christians and your leaders are going to be the first to die." The Muslim women also said that all the Christian Schools and Colleges are on their list to visit.   Later the girls learned that there were Muslim men in the college office doing the same thing, taking pictures of the students and teachers.   Its all coming down.

   This may be happening but we have a God of Love.  Sometimes its hard to believe that God would allow this to happen but he gives us the choice to do what we want. We don't always make the right decisions.   Gods  choice would be that ALL PEOPLE would chose His Son Jesus.  When we have Jesus in our lives he will take the fear.  He gives us comfort in His word to trust in Him.  These are the times that you really need to think about what you believe.  We have a choice to say yes to Jesus.  He gave His life on the cross for ALL of us.  My heart breaks for anyone that doesn't believe in Jesus.  I know, it is your choice. But there is life after death, life in Heaven or a real Hell.   God is love that is why He sent His Son for our salvation.  There are Muslims that are seeing the truth and coming to Jesus. He Loves us so much.   So open up your heart and let Him in.  So simple, call on Him.  

John 14:6  Jesus said to Thomas "I am the way, and the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father, but through Me.      So the only way to God is through Jesus, not Muhammad. Jesus is all about Love and salvation no matter who you are.  Muhammad is all about killing anyone that doesn't believe his way. His lustfull ways have led so many men to their death in Hell because they want to have the 72 virgins.  Women what do you get, the privilage to watch?   Women if you chose Jesus He will let you know how much He loves you and how valuable you are.  He died for everyone on this earth and rose from the dead 3 days later to take your sins. Trust in Him.   I love you all.  May God Bless you,  No fear, we will be with Jesus for ever.    

Latest comments

12.09 | 19:37

Well we just got back from our first Women's Conference and it was awesome!!!

13.08 | 22:23

Don't keep us hanging on tenter-hooks!

10.12 | 19:32


21.09 | 05:30

You should have a weekly blog to inspire people